
Taliban's New Chief Mullah Fazlullah Caught by Army & ISI

In a knee jerk action the Pakistan army and Military Intelligence in a joint offensive has arrested Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan Chief Mullah Fazlullah in the wee hours of Tuesday’s morning from the Lower Dir upper areas bordering Afghanistan.

However, neither independent sources nor sources in the security forces have confirmed the news as yet.
Different conflicting information pouring down since morning( Tuesday) suggests that Mullah Fazluulah who recently declared district Dir of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa as new Head Quarters TTP after hectic consultations with Taliban Shura in the wake of drone strikes fears was under surveillance of Pakistan Military Intelligence and was arrested upon reaching to Dir areas.
The news, if turned out to be true is a major blow on TTP that could rendered the TTP as impotent for the time being at least. However, if otherwise, it’s also heralds the seriousness of Military leadership to conclude the Taliban story aggressively.
Independent analysts believe that in any case the final show down between TTP and Security Forces is now a matter of just a few days to be incepted. They add that TTP will opt for Gruella War fare tactics while the Security Forces will go wild to call it a day.


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